Five Finger Studios provides this Privacy Policy to inform you of our policies and procedures regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of information we receive from users of our application and website. We consider the privacy of our visitors to be extremely important.

Information We Collect

Five Finger Studios does not obtain, share, or collect any personal information of users for any of our products or services.


Five Finger Studios uses anonymous (device type, device platform, and geo-location) information to perform its own analytics and to enable analytics provided by third parties. We use analytical information for supporting business analysis and operations, business intelligence, product development, improving products and services, personalizing content, providing advertising, and making recommendations. Five Finger Studios may also use third-parties, such as Google in order to develop and analyze use of the Services. Five Finger Studios does not store any of this information, it is simply used for third party analytics software.

Location Data

Five Finger Studios does not use or collect your geographic location. However, analytics used within our products may use your location anonymously. Please see analytics section. 

Personal Data

Five Finger Studios does NOT collect personal data.

Personal Information Sharing

Five Finger Studios does NOT collect or share any personal information with any company or organization.

Ad Companies Data Collection

Five Finger Studios may employ third party ad serving technologies that use certain methods to collect information as a result of ad serving through services.
Five Finger Studios or third parties operating the ad serving technology may use demographic and geo-location information (for more information regarding use of Location Data Section) as well as information logged from your hardware or device to ensure that relevant advertising is presented within the service. Five Finger Studios or third parties may collect and use data, for such purposes, including but not limited to, data such as IP address, Device ID, MAC address, installed software, application usage data, hardware type, Operating System information, browser information, unique identifiers in browser cookies, Flash cookies, and HTML5 local storage, Internet and on-line usage information and in-game information.
The foregoing data may be used and disclosed in accordance with this Privacy Policy and the privacy policy of the company providing the ad serving technology.

Please reference their Privacy Policy for further information.

Our Contact Information

 If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy you can contact us via email: